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  • Sascha Edelstein

Developer Diary 1 - Gaming Concept

We already mentioned in the last post that our project was funded by NordMedia and we would like to plan our project properly now.

We are working on a concept document, which should be part of the next funding round, which we are also striving for.

We would like to use this blog now as a kind of rough diary for the development of our project, to keep you up to date and also to let you participate in the process, starting with this post.

The Gaming Concept

How to write a gaming concept?

There is no clear set of rules, no generally applicable instructions.

So we did a lot of research, looked at various documents of other games and then thought about what we wanted in our concept.

First of all, we considered what the genre point & click adventure actually constitutes, how the player interacts with it and how we interpret the genre. What do we do differently? What is more typical of the genre? The first part of our concept clarifies these questions.

In the second part we are currently in the process of sketching the course of the entire game, including all plot points and all puzzles and actions in the game. In addition, we create so-called puzzle dependency charts to graphically depict the processes in the game.

If the finished concept is approved at the next funding round and we are completely satisfied with it, we will upload the document here on our site later, maybe it will help someone and can serve as a template.

That was it from us for now. We'll get back to you in 2 to 3 weeks.

Stay healthy.

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