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  • Sascha Edelstein

Developer Diary 7 - Here we go

Now the first month of the new year is already over. We hope you all got off to a good start into the year (as far as the situation allows).

We are currently in good spirits, because after months of concept work, which largely consists of theory and paperwork, we can work directly on the game again.

Next big milestone: Prototype

"Wait, you had already presented an executable version", one or the

other might think. That's right, at the very beginning we screwed together a very rudimentary version and presented it, just to find out how our idea would be received.

Our prototype, which we are now working on, should now be designed as a so-called “vertical slice”, i.e. as a (removed) piece of the game that should represent the end product. And there is still a lot to do to achieve this.

According to our plan, the prototype should be ready by the middle of the year. We have now created a large part of the graphics and revised and refined the puzzles and processes during the concept phase.

So what is left to do?

We are still missing two puzzles that have to be

implemented. And our intro is not quite finished either, so content has to be created in any case.

We've done a lot of animations already. In addition to the walking animations, our astronaut already has 30 different character animations. But we want more. Our goal is to have as few “standard animations” as possible.

Our concept provides for several levels of help functions, including a variant with an extended information function and a "easy mode". Both functions still need to be implemented and extensively tested.

As soon as all of this is done, we will get down to the sound design. We need more sound effects that we want to create ourselves, as well as one or two pieces of music and, of course, voice output for the AI.

The last point is localization. Our prototype should include the languages German and English. More are to follow later, but that is still a long way off.

As you can see, we still have a lot to do, but also based on our progress so far, we are very confident that we can do it all.

We will keep you definitely up-to-date.

Bye for now.

P.s .: We are looking for test players for our prototype, so if you feel like it, please contact us. Gladly via Insta or FB, but also classically via email

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